Wednesday 13 November 2024


Casey Michel

Foreign Agents: How American Lobbyists Threaten Democracy Around the World

For years, foreign lobbyists have worked as foot-soldiers for the most authoritarian regimes around the planet. In the process, they’ve not only entrenched dictatorships and spread kleptocratic networks, but they’ve secretly guided U.S. policy without the rest of America even being aware. Casey joins us to shed a light on this powerful group and the damage and devastation they have caused in Washington and elsewhere.

Casey Michel

Casey is a writer and researcher in the fields of economics, culture, and information technology. He is the author of three critically acclaimed books: The Age of Cryptocurrency, The Unfair Trade, and Che’s Afterlife. In a two-decade career as a journalist, much of that spend as a reporter, editor, and columnist at the Wall Street Journal, he wrote extensively on global economics and finance.

Casey Michel

Casey is a writer and researcher in the fields of economics, culture, and information technology. He is the author of three critically acclaimed books: The Age of Cryptocurrency, The Unfair Trade, and Che’s Afterlife. In a two-decade career as a journalist, much of that spend as a reporter, editor, and columnist at the Wall Street Journal, he wrote extensively on global economics and finance.

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