Thursday 20 February 2025
Parag Khanna
A New Way To Organize the World
Today’s domestic and international volatility reminds us that our current global indices ignore the most important metric for ranking nations: stability. The newly released Periodic Table of States (PTOS) fixes that. Find out which countries are the real role models for the world and why — and whether stability is a good barometer for investors.
Parag is Founder and CEO of AlphaGeo, an AI analytics platform to future-proof global real estate. He is the author of seven internationally bestselling books including Connectography, The Future is Asian, and MOVE. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics.
Founder and CEO of Alpha Geo
Parag is Founder and CEO of AlphaGeo, an AI analytics platform to future-proof global real estate. He is the author of seven internationally bestselling books including Connectography, The Future is Asian, and MOVE. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics.