Monday 11 March 2024


Christiana Figueres

Facing the Climate Crisis, in collaboration with How To Academy

Christiana, live in conversation with Paul Polman, discusses her continued fight to keep the world below 2 degrees of warming, cut greenhouse gas emissions in half, and protect and repair ecosystems. She is an advocate for stubborn optimism: an attitude which rejects fatalism in the face of impending catastrophe and instead embraces the very real opportunity we have to forge a future in which humanity can not merely survive, but thrive.

Christiana Figueres
Diplomat and Climate Leader

Christiana is a Founding Partner of Global Optimism, co-presenter of climate podcast, Outrage + Optimism, and co-author of The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis. From 2010 to 2016 she was Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, leading the process that secured the landmark Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Christiana Figueres

Diplomat and Climate Leader

Christiana is a Founding Partner of Global Optimism, co-presenter of climate podcast, Outrage + Optimism, and co-author of The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis. From 2010 to 2016 she was Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, leading the process that secured the landmark Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

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