Friday 18 October 2019
Education for the 21st Century
Tom Fletcher of Towards Global Learning Goals
Humanity faces an existential challenge. This is a time of unprecedented technological change and movement of people. What it means to be human is in flux.
The bad news is that at this critical time, global education isn’t working well enough. National systems don’t prioritise global citizenship, character or skills. Most young people learn the wrong things in the wrong way, with education content and assessment still being focused on classic academic knowledge and rote learning. And 75 million young people aren’t in formal education at all.
Join Tom Fletcher to hear what we should be teaching in this digital age, how we should be teaching it and what the risks are if we fail to rise to this challenge.
Tom is a Visiting Professor at New York University Abu Dhabi and the Emirates Diplomatic Academy, an Honorary Fellow of Oxford University, and adviser to the Global Business Coalition for Education. He is also Director of the Towards Global Learning Goals initiative on the future of learning and a co–founder of the Foundation For Opportunity, which supports good people doing good things in public life.
He was Foreign Policy Adviser to three British Prime Ministers (2007–11), and British Ambassador to Lebanon (2011–15). He led a government review of British diplomacy, and chaired a report on the future of the UN. His book, The Naked Diplomat – Power & Politics in the Digital Age, was published in 2016.
"How can we ensure that future generations are kinder, more curious and braver than us?"
Tom is a Visiting Professor at New York University Abu Dhabi and the Emirates Diplomatic Academy, an Honorary Fellow of Oxford University, and adviser to the Global Business Coalition for Education. He is also Director of the Towards Global Learning Goals initiative on the future of learning and a co–founder of the Foundation For Opportunity, which supports good people doing good things in public life.
He was Foreign Policy Adviser to three British Prime Ministers (2007–11), and British Ambassador to Lebanon (2011–15). He led a government review of British diplomacy, and chaired a report on the future of the UN. His book, The Naked Diplomat – Power & Politics in the Digital Age, was published in 2016.