Tuesday 8 October 2019
Mission Possible
Adair Turner, Chair of the Energy Transitions Commission
Reaching net-zero carbon emissions from heavy industry and heavy-duty transport sectors is technically and financially possible by mid-century – 2050 in developed countries and 2060 in developing countries.
Join Adair Turner to find out how: what we need to do now and what our future world will look like.
Lord Turner chairs the Energy Transitions Commission, a global coalition of major power and industrial companies, investors, environmental NGOs and experts working out achievable pathways to limit global warming to well below 2˚C by 2040 while stimulating economic development and social progress.
Adair Turner is a Senior Fellow, and previously chairman, of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. He chairs the board of Chubb Europe and is a Trustee at the British Museum. In December 2018 he joined the Advisory Board of Envision Energy, a Shanghai-based group focused on renewable energy, batteries and digital systems.
From 2008-2013, Lord Turner chaired the UK’s Financial Services Authority, and played a leading role in the post crisis redesign of global banking and shadow banking regulation.
He was Director General of the CBI (1995-2000); chairman of the UK Low Pay Commission (2002-2006); chairman of the Pensions Commision (2003-2006); and the first chairman of the Climate Change Committee (2008-2012). He became a cross bench member of the House of Lords in 2006.
The work of the Energy Transitions Commission outlines the possible routes to fully decarbonize the most challenging sectors of the economy: cement, steel, plastics, trucking, shipping and aviation – which together represent 30% of energy emissions today (and could increase to 60% by mid-century as other sectors lower their emissions).
Adair Turner is a Senior Fellow, and previously chairman, of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. He chairs the board of Chubb Europe and is a Trustee at the British Museum. In December 2018 he joined the Advisory Board of Envision Energy, a Shanghai-based group focused on renewable energy, batteries and digital systems.
From 2008-2013, Lord Turner chaired the UK’s Financial Services Authority, and played a leading role in the post crisis redesign of global banking and shadow banking regulation.
He was Director General of the CBI (1995-2000); chairman of the UK Low Pay Commission (2002-2006); chairman of the Pensions Commision (2003-2006); and the first chairman of the Climate Change Committee (2008-2012). He became a cross bench member of the House of Lords in 2006.