Thursday 26 March 2020
Matt Moulding
Co-founder and CEO of The Hut Group
Please join Diana for a conversation with Matt Moulding, the co-Founder and CEO of The Hut Group (THG).
THG is a global technology platform and e-commerce business in the health and beauty space, operating primarily through Look Fantastic and My Protein.
It is one of the fastest growing technology startups in the UK, with 2019 net revenues well in excess of £1 Billion, employing over 7,500 people in Manchester. THG operates in more than 50 countries, with 70% of its sales from markets oustide the UK and 70% of its sales coming from its own brands.
Diana will be asking Matt: what prompted him to act so quickly; what he has done to respond and prepare his people, management team and operations in the 10 weeks since mid January; how he continues to adapt and manage his organisation as the crisis spreads globally; how sales and consumer behaviour have shifted in Asia and recently closer to home; and how he sees global commerce and supply chains evolving in the wake of the crisis.
Matt was one of the first people to think through what was happening in China as the virus spread from Wuhan. By mid January, he had already started responding to and planning for the spread of Covid 19.